C.S. Lewis- Who doesn't love him? Seriously.
Timothy Keller- I will quote this man constantly. If I met him, I would cry. It would be like this, so I had better not ever meet him. His book Counterfeit Gods and his sermon The Man the King Delights to Honor changed my life in some really solid, practical, and visible ways.
Rob Bell- I don't agree with everything he's ever written, and sometimes there are gaps in his logic. However, this guy is a real artist, and he asks all the right questions. I like when he stirs the pot, because he's doing it honestly and with the right intentions. Haters gonna hate. But I love his heart. He's a great fit for people who have become disillusioned with faith. He's never boring, and he always makes you look at old things differently. People should start with his DVD "The Gods Aren't Angry" if they are checking him out. No one really disagrees with what he says there, and it's good.
Philip Yancey- He wrote What's So Amazing About Grace, and reading at least chapters 1, 3, and 4 is necessary. He likes the tough questions and recommends the best books ever.
The Brothers Karamazov- Speaking of the best books ever.
Harry Potter- And the other best books ever.
The Hunger Games- I like teen books, ok?
Twilight!!!- Just kidding. I hate Twilight. And Jesus does too. He told me, I swear. :-)
Ravi Zacharias- My aunt introduced me to him. He brings a foreign perspective I appreciate. He has a podcast on iTunes. Some of his stuff is great and quotable. Some of it's boring. He's a little too into apologetics for me.
Francis Chan- Great for Christianity basics and challenging complacency. "Crazy Love" is his best and most famous book.
Under the Radar- a good music podcast for people looking for Christian music that doesn't sound like what's on the radio
Lord of the Rings- I actually like the movies better than the books, overall, but the books had better dialogue.
LOST- the best TV show ever
Stephen King- He doesn't just do horror, you know. Most of his books are pretty spiritually rich too. You'd be surprised.
Dallas Willard- He's a long-winded son of a gun, but the point is always worth sticking around for. Try "The Divine Conspiracy"
Switchfoot- They have the best spiritual lyrics that non-Christians can tolerate, because they don't have to say "Jesus" every 10 seconds in order to sing about him. If you are a Christian, however, you will be blown away by the level of insight into what it feels like to be a Christian when hardly anyone else is.
Charles Spurgeon, RC Sproul, GK Chesterton, and others I'm forgetting, but I can always add to this page. I mostly go onto iTunes and subscribe to the podcasts of random churches or teachers. It's fun.